"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Maimonides

That's why we are more than happy to share all our knowledge with you. Our workshops & trainings are designed so you can start from 0 knowledge or experience and gradually work your way to become an online marketing professional.

Our workshops only have one goal: to make you more effective in designing, planning and executing your online marketing strategy and campaigns!

Each workshop, depending on several factors, such as the client's prior knowledge, experience & availability, comprises a number of sessions, each designed to achieve the learning objective with ease.


Google Ads Logo


You will learn everything you need to know for you to be able to set up, run and optimize your own Google Ads account. For those who already know a thing or two about Google Ads, we will go into more detail, covering some insider tricks and some advanced techniques.



Setting up Google Analytics isn’t that hard. Setting it up and configuring it properly is. And what comes after the setup process is finished? You will learn how to read and use the data Google Analytics provides.

SEO Analysis


SEO is (or should be) a very important part of any online marketing strategy. That’s why it is of utmost importance that you learn and understand each aspect of SEO, so you can make informed decisions on what to implement and define your priorities.

E-Commerce Icon


If you intend to set up or are already running an E-Commerce site, it is extremely important to know what to focus on, so you can optimize your shop and products, with the obvious goal of increasing your sales.



Social Media is one of the most important channels for customer dialogue and feedback. It is also the best option to really highlight your values and establish your brands position in social matters, transforming your customers into brand ambassadors. But things can change really quickly for you if not done right. You’ll learn all the do’s and don’ts of managing your social presence yourself.


We know that time is valuable, so why waste time typing a message, when we can simply call you back and have a nice chat about how we can help you?

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